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Project Details


The Project is based on a data industry survey report providing information on various aspects of data industry professionals’ lives, including:

Tools Used:


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Survey data provided by Alex Freberg (AlexTheAnalyst) Source file can be downloaded from https://github.com/AlexTheAnalyst/Power-BI/blob/main/Power%20BI%20-%20Final%20Project.xlsx

Top 5 Most Important Points

  1. The survey was conducted in 2023 and involved 630 people. ​
  2. The average age of the people surveyed is 29.87. ​
  3. The preferred programming languages or tools among the surveyed individuals are Python, R, SQL, C/C++, Java, and PowerBI. ​
  4. The average individual salary among the surveyed individuals is 54.02 thousand dollars. ​
  5. The top priorities for the next role among the surveyed individuals are better salary (47.14%), remote work (20.16%), good work/life balance (18.57%), good culture (8.57%), and other (5.56%). ​

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